Community Kitchen
1:00 pm13:00

Community Kitchen

  • Dining Room of the Inveresk Tavern, (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Community Kitchen - Afghan Lunch at the Inveresk Taver

Our Women’s Friendship Group aims to provide a safe welcoming environment where all women can have English conversation, make friends and contacts, share experiences, learn new ideas and skills, and find pathways to connect to services and opportunities.

  • To foster connectedness and inclusion in our Launceston community
  • To build confidence in women so they can strengthen their families and take up new challenges


Description: This is part of Launceston's Multicultural Flavours: a culinary and cultural journey.

This initiative is a collaboration between the Inveresk Tavern and Migrant Resource Centre Northern Tasmania Inc.

The aim is to:

  • Help people from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds feel welcome, form relationships and integrate into the local community.
  • Provide them with broader social and support networks
  • Raise cross cultural awareness in the community; and
  • Provide an opportunity for groups to raise funds for their communities’ activities.

Venue: Dining Room of the Inveresk Tavern, 13 Dry St Invermay

Contact: Leny Sutton:  0421 642 259

Date & time: Sun 31 July 1 – 3pm

Wheelchair access: yes

Other information: Meal cost to be advised - menus will be published at    Drinks will be available at the adjoining bar. 

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Find your Powerful and Peaceful Colours
1:00 pm13:00

Find your Powerful and Peaceful Colours

Following the Drumming for Peace Tassie Drum Circle to be held at City Park Band Rotunda, Launceston from 10am - 1pm
Elena will share with us from 1pm onwards - Sunday 31st July 2016.

Learn how to use and wear your five most powerful and peaceful colours. 
Using the 3 C’s – combine, coordinate and contrast – 
You can select colours to increase harmony and confidence you may
need to achieve personal goals, and at the same time save money, look happy and radiant at any age.

Venue: City Park Band Rotunda

Contact: Elena Chagoya:

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Twisting for Peace
11:00 am11:00

Twisting for Peace

Twisting for Peace is a short film made by Tasdance featuring the wonderful people and dance moves of the Northern Suburbs Community Centre community! The film has been developed for the Tamar Peace Festival and has seen the members of many of our community groups 'getting their groove on' in the name of peace.
We will premiere Twisting for Peace at a special peace celebration on Sunday July 31st at 11am to 1pm.

The celebration will include a FREE lunch, film and a short dance performance.

Venue: NSCC at 1 Archer Street, Rocherlea

Contact: Denise Delphin:

wheelchair access: yes

Organisation: Northern Suburbs Community Centre and Tasdance

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Launceston Human Library
11:00 am11:00

Launceston Human Library

The Launceston Human Library sets up a comfortable space for dialogue and interaction where members of the public are given an opportunity to speak informally with a living Book who tells a story about her or his experience. A `reader' enters the story by asking questions or telling about their own experiences. It's up to reader and living Book how they will use the time they can spend together. The Books are varied in age, sex and cultural background. The human library enables groups to break stereotypes by challenging prejudice in a positive and humorous manner. It is a concrete, easily transferable and affordable way of promoting tolerance and understanding. Our program wants to be a simple and direct contribution to social cohesion in Launceston. 
The program runs thanks to the participation and involvement of volunteers.


On Sunday 31st July we will be chatting over a cuppa at a very friendly venue - City Baptist. Everyone is welcome - just walk in! 

Our volunteers will meet you and introduce you to a Human Book.

If you want to get an idea of our Book title collection, go to

Venue: City Baptist Church, 11 Frederick St. (opposite Princes Square)


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Sacred Earth Artwork - The Shamans Healing Ceremony
10:00 am10:00

Sacred Earth Artwork - The Shamans Healing Ceremony

Creative Organic Artwork Participation and Ceremony towards creating Peace on Earth

A Shamanic Ritual Event towards global peace and harmony on our sacred planet. 

Participants will all get the opportunity to participate in several ways depending on their capabilities. These include a short creative writing, making an earthenware clay symbol for participation in the natural object collaborative artwork, sharing of the peace prayer, followed by a ceremony of peace ritual ceremony. 

The prayer and Ceremony will be repeated as progressive groups arrive and depart throughout the day.

Come for a Sunday drive and following the ceremony we suggest a visit to the lovely Evandale Community Markets. 

Please bring a small natural object from the earth to the event that you are happy to leave at the ceremonial ground. (Eg, shell, flower )All other items will be provided.

Contact: Sally Williams

Organisation: Soul Frequencies


Wheelchair access: No

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10:00 am10:00

Drumming for Peace

Tassie drum Circle is a free community drum circle that meet twice a month in Launceston and around Tasmania.  We promote socialisation, friendship and peace in the community.

Tassie drum circle would like to hold a drum circle during the Peace Festival.  We suggest Sunday July 31st at Launceston City Park (bandstand) from 10am to 1pm.  Spare drums and percussion would be available for passing public to join in and enjoy a drum.

The event is by gold coin donation to cover the cost of wear and tear on drums and other equipment and to raise funds for this community drum circle in that they can purchase further drums for the public to use.

Contact:  Diane Hayes   0439 189 886   or

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Paper Beach Peace Ride
9:15 am09:15

Paper Beach Peace Ride

A Group Bicycle Ride

In the spirit of creating a time and place to ‘learn peace’, the Launceston and Tamar community will come together for a three-day festival. This second Peace Festival will take place in Launceston on and around 29-31 July 2016. Come with us as we ride beside the Tamar River to Paper Beach and return. Bring your hybrid or mountain bike if you wish to ride the Paper to, Gravelly Beach trail.

Venue: Legana Shopping Centre

Contact: Sue Walker

Insurance: Not for a first time rider

Organisation: Tamar Bicycle Users Group

Website: Home

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Welcome Dinner at St Finn Barr's
6:00 pm18:00

Welcome Dinner at St Finn Barr's

The Welcome Dinner Project is a national initiative that invites established locals and people new to Australia share a meal together. Everyone brings food to share that may be culturally or personally significant. We find that the friendships that begin over a Welcome Dinner help newly arrived people feel welcome in their new community as well as being very rewarding for established locals.

To come to the Peace Festival Welcome Dinner please email

The Welcome Dinner will be held at St Finn Barr's school hall on Invermay Road, 6pm-9pm on Saturday 30 July. 

The dinner is run by a team of facilitators. Expect a fun night of great food and conversation with people from many different cultural backgrounds. 

The event is free to attend, all we ask is that let us know that you are coming and that you bring a plate of food to share. 

This is an alcohol free event - please don't bring any alcoholic drinks. 

Once you email you'll be sent more details about the event.

Wheelchair access: Yes

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The Peace Poetry Session
2:00 pm14:00

The Peace Poetry Session

Public performance by Tasmanian poets on the theme of Peace.

Tasmanian poets will participate in a 2-hour session, reading and performing work on the theme of Peace.

Venue: Shots on Wax, 147 St John Street, Launceston

30/7/2016 start time 2pm - finish 4pm

Event/Project Contact: Nancy Corbett

Event/Project Contact:

Does your venue have wheelchair access: yes

Group /Organisation: Launceston Poets

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Be the best you
to 31 July

Be the best you

Come along to learn more about yourself and others and why we as human beings are like we are. Bring a greater sense of calm and harmony to your life by having a greater understanding of yourself and others. 

Venue:  LINC Launceston - Meeting Room 2 on Level 2.

Contact: Lauren Taylor:


30 th July

Start Time:  First Session 10-11am Second Session 12pm-1pm

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 Peace session for little people (aged 5-12)
11:00 am11:00

Peace session for little people (aged 5-12)

Local teacher and community members will conduct a Peace session for little people (aged 5-12) in the children’s section of LINC on Saturday 30th July from 11-12.  They will share some books about peace with children, collect their ideas and then encourage them to decorate the LINC windows with their messages and images about peace using liquid chalk.  

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Be the best you
10:00 am10:00

Be the best you

Come along to learn more about yourself and others and why we as human beings are like we are. Bring a greater sense of calm and harmony to your life by having a greater understanding of yourself and others. 

Venue:  LINC Launceston - Meeting Room 2 on Level 2.

Contact: Lauren Taylor:

30 th July

Start Time:  First Session 10-11am Second Session 12pm-1pm


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Mindfulness Taster
10:00 am10:00

Mindfulness Taster

This free two-hour workshop will introduce Mindfulness through a mix of theory and practice. It's perfect for those who want to explore what mindfulness practice is, why it's being talked about so much, and whether it is something that could be beneficial in their life.

Venue: Launceston LINC, Level 2

 Contact: Dean Mundey:

Story from the Examiner  -

Wheelchair access: Yes

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Prayer Mats for Peace - Please come and join the conversation.
10:00 am10:00

Prayer Mats for Peace - Please come and join the conversation.

Local women come together to talk about peace and the idea that Islam is a peaceful religion.  They work together to create a prayer mat created by local artist Mehrangiz Modaress Tabatabaei.

Event/Project Discription: We believe it is important to remind our community that Islam is a peaceful religion.  We hope to do this by encouraging Muslim and non-Muslim women from our local community to work together to create one or two beautiful mats which celebrate peace through the context of Islam.  Local artist Mehrangiz Modaress Tabatabaei will work with women from the Women’s Friendship Group, Glen Dhu Primary School Conversation Group, TasTAFE and the Migrant Resource Centre to plan and begin working on the project.  The mat will then be taken to the ground floor of LINC Launceston where members of the general public will be invited to join these women for conversations and creation of the mats.  Once finished, the mats will be displayed on the first floor in LINC.  The project will be documented and also shown in LINC.

Mehrangiz Modaress Tabatabaei will be working at LINC on Friday the 29th July and Saturday 30th July so that the general public may also join the conversations creating the mats.

Business Hours for LINC: Thursday 9:30am–6pm Friday 9:30am–7pm  Saturday 9:30am–2pm Sunday Closed  Tuesday 9:30am–6pm   Wednesday 9:30am–6pm


Other Information:

We would like families from our refugee communities to see LINC as somewhere they can spend time with their families, sharing books with their children or accessing other services.  Although some of them may access LINC for classes, meetings, etc.  We would like them to enjoy the space with their children to encourage a love of books and reading for them all.

wheelchair access: Yes

Group /Organisation: Women’s Friendship Group, Glen Dhu Primary School Women’s Conversation Group, TasTAFE, Migrant Resource Centre.


Event/Project Contact: Mehrangiz Modaress Tabatabaei.

Event/Project Contact:

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Hawks at Harvest - Hawks Heroes
8:30 am08:30

Hawks at Harvest - Hawks Heroes

Hawka will be visiting Harvest Launceston Community Farmers' Market looking for a hero! He's looking for young Tasmanians who are striving to be the best and fairest OFF the pitch.

Has your love of food led you to create healthy recipes for your friends and family?

Have you been planting a kitchen garden at your school so that everyone can enjoy healthy food?

Come down to the market and meet Hawka and find out more about becoming Tasmania's first Hawks Hero!

Venue: Harvest Launceston Community Farmers Market

Be a Hawks Hero and you could fly to Melbourne with your parent or guardian for a special behind the scenes tour of Hawthorn Football Club’s training base at Waverley Park.

This season, Hawthorn Football Club is searching for young Tasmanians with big hearts and creative minds, who strive to be the best and fairest OFF the feild. The Hawks Heroes Award will recognise youth who deliver benefit to the community in a way that reflects Hawthorn’s values. 

Some ideas to get your started

Organise a fundraiser at your school for a local charity

Organsie a book drive to encourage people to make use of old books
Start a Big Brother or Big Sister reading program to help younger kids improve their reading skills
Use your footy skills to run a clinic for younger kids

Plant a kitchen garden at your school or in your local community to encourage friends to grow and eat nutrituious foods
How can you take part?

Simply come up with your idea, and go to the Hawks page for more details - Click here

Make sure you keep track along the way, take photos, videos or write a report and send them to At the end of the football season, we’ll judge to find the best Hawks Hero
and send them off to Melbourne!

Hawthorn is committed to supporting local Tasmanian communities and we want you to be too!

The Harvest Launceston Community Farmers' Market operates every Saturday 0830am to 1230pm.

Wheelchair access: Yes

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Inglis Clark Public Lecture for Civil Society presented by Julian Burnside AO QC
7:30 pm19:30

Inglis Clark Public Lecture for Civil Society presented by Julian Burnside AO QC

  • Horton Auditorium, Scotch Oakburn College, (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

What does this country stand for?

 Inglis Clark Public Lecture for Civil Society presented by

Julian Burnside AO QC

Julian Burnside is a barrister based in Melbourne. He specialises in commercial litigation. He joined the Bar in 1976 and took silk in 1989.

He acted for the Ok Tedi natives against BHP, for Alan Bond in fraud trials, for Rose Porteous in numerous actions against Gina Rinehart, and for the Maritime Union of Australia in the 1998 waterfront dispute against Patrick Stevedores. He was Senior Counsel assisting the Australian Broadcasting Authority in the "Cash for Comment" inquiry and was senior counsel for Liberty Victoria in the Tampa litigation.

He is a former President of Liberty Victoria, and has acted pro bono in many human rights cases, in particular concerning the treatment of refugees.

He is passionately involved in the arts. He collects contemporary paintings and sculptures and regularly commissions music. He is Chair of Fortyfive Downstairs, a not for profit arts and performance venue in Flinders Lane, Melbourne, and Chair of Chamber Music Australia. 

He is the author of a book of essays on language and etymology, Wordwatching (Scribe, 2004) and Watching Brief, (Scribe, 2007) a collection of his essays and speeches about the justice system and human rights. He compiled a book of letters written by asylum seekers held in Australia's detention camps. The book, From Nothing to Zero was published in 2003 by Lonely Planet. He also wrote Matilda and the Dragon a children's book published by Allen & Unwin in 1991.

In 2004 he was elected as a Living National Treasure. In 2009 he was made an Officer of the Order of Australia for services as a human rights advocate, particularly for refugees and asylum seekers, to the arts as a patron and fundraiser, and to the law. as a human rights advocate, particularly for refugees and asylum seekers, to the arts as a patron and fundraiser, and to the law. 

In 2014 he was awarded the Sydney Peace Prize.

Date: 29th Jul 2016 7:30pm Till 9:00pm

Venue:Horton Auditorium, Scotch Oakburn College, 85 Penquite Road, Launceston

RSVP / Contact Information

E:, T: 03 6324 3387

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Labyrinth Walk – A Pathway to Peace
5:00 pm17:00

Labyrinth Walk – A Pathway to Peace

   An invitation to journey on the labyrinth path; offering you a place and time to reflect on stillness and peace within yourself, your community and for the global family. 

The labyrinth teaches us that if we keep putting one foot in front of the other we can quiet the mind and find our centre. 

Come as you are or with your family and friends. Walk the healing path for peace for the first time or as an experienced pilgrim.


“Peace starts within each one of us. When we have an inner peace we can be at peace with those around us.” Dalai Lama


 When: Friday 29th July. You are welcome to come any time between 5.00 p.m - 6.30 p.m.

 Where: Pilgrim Uniting Church, Paterson Street, Launceston

R.S.V.P. Kerryal Willis – phone: 0447 408 123


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College Peace Gathering
12:20 pm12:20

College Peace Gathering

  • Scotch Oakburn College Health and PE Centre (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

School Assembly

A school celebration assembly with a peace theme, including music, poetry and guest speakers.

This will be the second event after a very successful inaugural peace gathering in 2015

Event/Project Contact: Stuart Walls

Event/Project Contact:

wheelchair access: yes

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Place of Peace
to 31 July

Place of Peace

  • City Baptist Church, (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Our church building will be open free of charge on afternoons throughout the Festival weekend - to sit in quietness, to learn about the history, to chat over a cuppa.

City Baptist Church, 11 Frederick Street, Launceston

Contact: Jeff McKinnon

wheelchair access: Yes, please see the person on duty

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"Peace" - Is the same in any language
11:00 am11:00

"Peace" - Is the same in any language

A collaborate art project and luncheon

The Good Neighbour Council of Launceston Inc. and the Migrant Resource Centre (Northern Tasmania) Inc.are hosting a special activity to promote PEACE and support The Tamar Valley Peace Festival.

With the help of an artist, senior migrants from diverse cultures will create a wall-hanging with the word PEACE painted in many different languages. It will represent unity for a free world. A light luncheon is available.

Venue: Greek Community Hall, 2 Norwich Street, South Launceston 7250

Participation Cost: $5.00

Contact: Krystyna Baylis:

Organisation: The Migrant Resource Centre (Northern Tasmania) Inc. in partnership with The Good Neighbour Council Launceston Inc.

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Planting for Peace
10:00 am10:00

Planting for Peace

Community event in the Peace Garden at Rocherlea.

'Planting for Peace' will give community an opportunity to come together to paint up a ceramic pot and then plant out some flower or vegetable seedlings to grow at home

A FREE soup and roll lunch will be available

Pots, Plants and potting soil will be supplied

If it rains the 'Planting' will be held inside at the Northern Suburbs Community Centre Rocherlea

Venue: Peace Garden, 1 Archer Street Rocherlea

Contact: Denise Delphin

Wheelchair access: Yes



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Rivers of Peace
to 18 Aug

Rivers of Peace

  • Windsor Health Centre Cafe Exhibition Space (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Event/Project Type: Poetry/Art Exhibition

Event/Project Description: Grade 8 Creative Writing students have written poems responding to broad themes of peace and our individual responsibility in creating or sustaining it. These poems will be handed to RHS art classes under the splendid direction of Art teacher Carolyn Saunders for those students to create visual 2D or 3D responses to the poems, so that an artistic conversation emerges addressing the core concepts and ideas of the Tamar Peace Festival.

Windsor Health Centre Cafe Exhibition Space

OPENING Thursday July 28th at 4 pm

The exhibition will be up for four weeks.


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Pause for Peace: Benefits in the home, in the community and globally
5:30 pm17:30

Pause for Peace: Benefits in the home, in the community and globally

  • Academy of the Arts, Inveresk campus (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Organisation: University of Tasmania


Event: Public Forum

Event: Pause for Peace Forum: Benefits in the home, in the community and globally

Pause for Peace: Benefits in the home, in the community and globally


  • Kym Goodes, Chief Executive Officer, TasCOSS
  • Dr Kiros Hiruy, Office of the Pro-Vice Chancellor Regional Development, University of Tasmania
  • Professor Michael Hess, Tasmanian School of Business and Economics, University of Tasmania
  • Facilitated by David Adams, Tasmanian School of Business and Economics, University of Tasmania

Venue: Academy of the Arts, Inveresk campus

Doors will open at 5.30pm for refreshments


Contact: Angela McManamey

wheelchair access: yes

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UTASLife Peace Promise Selfies
to 29 July

UTASLife Peace Promise Selfies

  • Student Lounge, UTAS Newnham Campus (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


Description: Students will be invited to write a peace promise and take a selfie to be uploaded on social media. Event will include free food.

Venue: Student Lounge, UTAS Newnham Campus

27th July to 29th July - 11am till 2pm

Contact: Robert Alderson

Wheelchair access: Yes


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