Copy of Launceston Circle Dancers
10:15 am10:15

Copy of Launceston Circle Dancers

  • St Catherine’s Hall Penquite Road Norwood (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Launceston Circle Dancers

We dance together in equality in a circle - dancing our meditations for peace.  Join us for a free-of-charge session at St Catherine’s Hall Penquite Road Norwood on Mondays 12th and 19th August at 10.15 for a 10.30 start. Refreshments and conversation follow. All welcome. No experience, partners or special clothing necessary. Inquiries to Julie 0402048147 or just come and try. 

We may also be found at the Peace Party on 16th and the Global Village on 17th

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Sing for Peace
2:00 pm14:00

Sing for Peace

Sing for Peace

Join us for a joyous afternoon of singing. This event has been part of the festival each year and is growing and growing. After the songs for peace there will be a cuppa and cake.

Choirs taking part - Singcognito, Evandale Village Singers, Pilgrim Singers, Launceston Ladies Choir, and Glen Dhu Grade 3-4 choir with Kim Allen. 

Contact Elaine Yates:

Group /Organisation:   Singcognito, Evandale Village Singers, Pilgrim Singers, Launceston Ladies Choir and Glen Dhu Grade 3-4 choir with Kim Allen. 


 Gold coin Donation please


Wheelchair access: Yes

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 Open door rehearsal Launceston City Band
1:00 pm13:00

Open door rehearsal Launceston City Band

Welcome all to our open door rehearsal. For the pleasure of listeners or as a sneak peek for potential new players.  we are an inclusive community organisation developing musical skill and camaraderie in a relaxed, fun environment covering a broad range of musical genres. 

Enjoy the final touches being added to the music we have been working on for the past year. 

Contact Darren Papworth 

Group /Organisation: Launceston City Band 

Wheelchair access: stairs with stairlift  

Participation Cost: Free / Donations appreciated 


Opening Hours: Weekly Rehearsals Mon 7:30pm-9:30pm, Wed 5:30pm-7:30pm 

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Peace Service 
10:00 am10:00

Peace Service 


Peace Service 

A Christian worship service that is open to the general public. The Service will have a focus on peace. 

Morning tea provided, children’s play area, singing and a positive message on the Power of Integrity.  

Contact: Jeff McKinnon  

Wheelchair access: Yes 

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Peace Dinner  - This is a closed event for the street community only. 
6:30 pm18:30

Peace Dinner  - This is a closed event for the street community only. 


Peace Dinner  

This is a closed event for the street community only.  

Please come and join us in a warm and safe place. 

Enjoy a two-course home cooked sit-down dinner and some listening ears.  

Contact: Jeff McKinnon  


Wheelchair access: Yes  

Do people need to book for this event? : No - but it is only open to the street community 

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The Fourth Annual Tamar Valley Peace Festival Community Welcome Dinner 
6:00 pm18:00

The Fourth Annual Tamar Valley Peace Festival Community Welcome Dinner 

Booking essential: 


 A shared meal in a welcoming environment 

 Pot luck style dinner (everyone brings a dish to share), which links new migrants up with established locals. 

supported by the University of Tasmania 


wheelchair access: Yes 

Other Information: 


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The Power of Integrity  - Launceston Buddhist Meditation Institute
2:00 pm14:00

The Power of Integrity - Launceston Buddhist Meditation Institute

  • Launceston Buddhist Meditation Institute (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The Power of Integrity

Launceston Buddhist Meditation Institute

Venue: 13-15 Bryan Street, Invermay, TAS, 7248

17 Aug 2pm


As a focus of the regular Meditation Class participants are invited to sit and listen to a highly qualified Tibetan meditation teacher give a talk on the importance and power of integrity in our everyday life in the calm environment of a Traditional Tibetan Buddhist Temple.

Venue: 13-15 Bryan Street, Invermay, TAS, 7248


Opening hours of your venue: 9.00am > 5.00pm

wheelchair access: Yes

Do people need to book for this event? : No

Cost: $0

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Siddhartha By Hermann Hesse - Launceston poet and actor Cameron Hindrum will read the novel—and he invites you to help him!
10:00 am10:00

Siddhartha By Hermann Hesse - Launceston poet and actor Cameron Hindrum will read the novel—and he invites you to help him!

As part of the 2019 Tamar Valley Peace Festival, come and celebrate this classic novel which traces the rise of the Prince we now know as Buddha: Siddhartha Gautama.

Launceston poet and actor Cameron Hindrum will read the novel—and he invites you to help him! Read a word, a sentence, a paragraph, a page or more—or simply sit and listen as this extraordinarily beautiful novel comes to life as a celebration of peace, compassion, guidance and spiritual wealth.


DATE/TIME Saturday August 17th, 10am – 4pm

WHERE Stories Bookshop, St John Street, Launceston

Free to the public: participation invited.


What could I say to you that would be of value, except that perhaps you seek too much, that as a result of your seeking you cannot find?


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Our Global Village
9:00 am09:00

Our Global Village

  • Northern Suburbs Community Centre Inc.   (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS
Our Global Village Celebrationposter2019.jpg

Our Global Village Celebration.  

A celebration of Launceston’s diversity. A community and family friendly event. We will be celebrating peace through community art, dance, music, culinary delights and a market showcasing local produce and earth-friendly craft by artisans and families. 


We aim to be a Zero Waste event.  



Contact Jo Dean  

Group /Organisation: Gentle Footprints with the Northern Suburbs Community Centre Inc.  


Wheelchair access: Yes 

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A gentle walk around a labyrinth
5:00 pm17:00

A gentle walk around a labyrinth

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An invitation to journey on the labyrinth path; offering you a place and time to reflect on stillness and peace within yourself, your community and for the global family. 

The labyrinth teaches us that if we keep putting one foot in front of the other we can quiet the mind and find our centre. 

Come as you are or with your family and friends. Walk the healing path for peace for the first time or as an experienced pilgrim.

The ancient meditative walk that guides you in a safe circuitous path from beginning to end; A pathway for personal, community and global reflection on peace and integrity around a labyrinth laid out in Pilgrim church 34 -38 Paterson St

“Peace starts within each one of us. When we have an inner peace we can be at peace with those around us.” Dalai Lama


wheelchair access: Yes

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Re-embody: the workshop.  Interweave Arts community Event by lead artists Carmencita Palermo & Ralf Hartel
4:00 pm16:00

Re-embody: the workshop. Interweave Arts community Event by lead artists Carmencita Palermo & Ralf Hartel

  • Satsang Launceston Yoga Sanctuary (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Re-embody: the workshop.

Interweave Arts community Event by lead artists Carmencita Palermo & Ralf Hartel

16th August 4pm – 5pm

Venue: Satsang Launceston Yoga Sanctuary 70, Elizabeth St Launceston


Organisation: Interweave Arts

Target audience : all ages

Workshop movement meditation: a taste of the creative process for Re-embody

Re-embody is an illuminated, kinetic, sculptural installation/devised theatre with live music, which will be presented at REMADE (Annex Theatre, Inveresk 24 August ) and Junction Arts Festival (Prince’s Square, Launceston 7 September).

Re-embody invites participants from the greater Launceston community to join our open workshops, where we will explore the themes of environmental sustainability and our attachment to accumulation, using interactive and organic creative processes to create large scale performance installations that are site and audience specific.

On the occasion of the Tamar Valley Peace Festival community members from diverse abilities, ages and backgrounds will have the opportunity to join lead artists Carmencita Palermo to have a taste of the creative process. Through story telling /spoken word and meditative movement we’ll focus on the theme of LET IT GO. Wear comfortable warm clothing and be ready to share the story of your own attachment; bring along an item of personal clothing or small object that you are willing to let go of … finally. Why have you kept that t-shirt in the wardrobe for 3 years and never worn it? Your clothing will be transformed and will become part of the kinetic installation of Re-embody.  

Join Re-embody facebook group to follow the project and book your participation - 

Join Re-embody facebook group to follow the project-

LIMITED PLACES AVAILABLE book via facebook event

Re-embody is supported by the Regional Arts Fund and Arts Tasmania (Minister for the Arts)

Contact: Carmencita Palermo

wheelchair access: no

Do people need to book for this event? : yes via facebook event:

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Design and grow a Permaculture Kitchen garden
10:00 am10:00

Design and grow a Permaculture Kitchen garden

  • Northern Suburbs Community Centre (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Design and grow a Permaculture Kitchen garden

Friday August 16

10am to 2pm

Growing your own food in your backyard brings peace and joy to the home.

Have you ever wanted to grow your own food and wondered where to start?

Join Kathryn and Jo at Northern suburbs community centre on Friday August 16 from 10am to 2pm.

We will start the day by making our own sourdough bread to share with a wholesome soup made from garden produce for lunch.

As an example, we will wallk you through permaculture design principles used in the kitchen garden design for the Northern Suburb Community Centre.

Bring your ideas and after lunch we will guide you on how to design your garden for maximum benefit based on the local environment.

There will be the opportunity to put your hands in the soil and plant some herbs, with kitchen garden plants to give away so you can begin your garden at home.

Everybody welcome.

Numbers are limited to 20 so please register your interest by calling NSCC

49 George Town Road, Newnham

PH: (03) 6326 5506

This is a Free event hosted by NSCC and Gentle Footprints Permaculture.

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Peaceful Pathways Project
9:00 am09:00

Peaceful Pathways Project

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Peaceful Pathways workshop taster

Friday 16th August 9am – 12pm

Australian Red Cross: 403-407 Invermay Road, Mowbray


Organisation: Australian Red Cross and Alternatives to Violence Project


Target audience : This event is open to people 16 years and over. Once we have a full group (20 participants), the group will be closed and we ask that those who come voluntarily participate, as this is an experiential process (not for observation).
People can make enquiries and register to participate via the contact given.

Event/Project Type: This is an experiential, closed-group experience with up to 22 people. All who come will be volunteering to participate.

Event/Project Description: This is an opportunity for the public to have insight into this 3-year project, funded by the Tasmanian Community Fund.
Peaceful Pathways uses the Alternatives to Violence Project (AVP) process to pass on tools for dealing with conflict and change to community members, via a series of experiential workshops.
This particular project is equipping communities of refugee background with tools for rebuilding after their foundations were shattered. They are aided in these efforts by local, non-refugee allies.
Peaceful Pathways lends support from many volunteer AVP facilitators from around Australia to build capacity in our State.
Expect to practice skills of communication, affirmation, collaboration, trust and building community as well as play in this 3-hour session. 
No notebooks required!

Venue: Australian Red Cross: 403-407 Invermay Road, Mowbray

Xavier Lane-Mullins

wheelchair access: Yes

Do people need to book for this event? : Yes

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Place of Peace 
6:00 pm18:00

Place of Peace 

Place of Peace 

Closed event for Hazara men  

Hazara Men's Group - learning conversational English and developing friendships. 

 This is a conversational English session for Hazara men. 

Place of Peace is the Hazara Men’s Group’s contribution to TVPF. It will be our weekly program with a focus on peace and integrity. The Hazara Men’s group meets each Thursday during school term to learn conversational English, to learn about Tasmanian society and to build friendships. 

Anyone interested in joining the ongoing team of volunteers is welcome to contact Jeff McKinnon

Contact: Jeff McKinnon  

Wheelchair access: Yes 

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Dr Simon Longstaff AO (Executive Director, Ethics Centre) in conversation with Professor Rufus Black (Vice-Chancellor, University of Tasmania)
5:30 pm17:30

Dr Simon Longstaff AO (Executive Director, Ethics Centre) in conversation with Professor Rufus Black (Vice-Chancellor, University of Tasmania)

  • VOS-Rory Spence Lecture Theatre. (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This session will feature a facilitated discussion and Q&A session between Professor Rufus Black, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Tasmania, and Dr Simon Longstaff AO, alumnus of the University, on the power of integrity and ethics.


Simon’s distinguished career includes being named as one of AFR Boss’ True Leaders for the 21st century, with Carol Schwartz noting; "I don’t know one CEO or chairman in corporate Australia who has not worked with Simon Longstaff". SimonLongstaff began his working life on Groote Eylandt (Anindilyakwa) in the Northern Territory where he worked in the Safety Department of the then BHP subsidiary, GEMCO. He is proud of his kinship ties with members of the island’s Indigenous community.

Following a period studying law in Sydney and a brief career teaching in Tasmania, Simon undertook postgraduate studies in philosophy as a Member of Magdalene College, Cambridge. 

Simon commenced his work as the first Executive Director of The Ethics Centre in 1991. Simon is a Fellow of CPA Australia and in June 2016, was appointed an Honorary Professor at the Australian National University – based at the National Centre for Indigenous Studies.

Formerly serving as the inaugural President of The Australian Association for Professional & Applied Ethics, Simon serves on a number of boards and committees across a broad spectrum of activities.

He was formerly a Fellow of the World Economic Forum. In 2013, Dr Longstaff was made an officer of the Order of Australia (AO) for "distinguished service to the community through the promotion of ethical standards in governance and business, to improving corporate responsibility, and to philosophy.

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The Synagogue
2:00 pm14:00

The Synagogue

The Synagogue 

All are welcome to attend a talk by George Goldsteen and there will be plenty of time for questions.

The Synagogue will be open at 1.45 pm and you are welcome to come in and sit down

Talk and questions at the Synagogue 40 metres from the corner of Elizabeth and St John's st. on Thursday 15th August starting at 2pm.

Other Information:   Dress warmly!

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Karlin Love playing guitar - Contemplative Live Music in the Chapel  
11:30 am11:30

Karlin Love playing guitar - Contemplative Live Music in the Chapel  

Contemplative Live Music in the Chapel  

Karlin Love playing guitar

Contemplative music over lunchtime. Come and go as you please (Bring your lunch). Enjoy the beautiful space, nourish your heart, empower your integrity.


Live! Music at LGH: a project of the LGH Art and Historical Committee


Contact: Karlin Love

0434 810628


Free. Wheelchair accessible. All ages. 

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 Launceston Toastmasters Club – A Pathway to Peace
7:00 pm19:00

Launceston Toastmasters Club – A Pathway to Peace


All are welcome to join us at the Launceston Toastmasters meeting on Wednesday 14th August, from 7pm – 9pm, at ‘Enterprize’, 24 Paterson Street, when the theme of the evening will be ‘PEACE’.

Free entry, and a light supper will be served with tea and coffee.

During the evening there will be a couple of short (5 – 7 minute) speeches and some impromptu questions on the theme, as well as fun, friendship and information about Toastmasters.

Toastmasters International is a non-profit educational organisation that operates clubs worldwide to help members improve their communication, public speaking and leadership skills.

Toastmasters empower individuals to become more effective communicators and leaders, to improve their self-esteem and confidence, develop clear and quicker thinking skills, speak with confidence and enjoy doing so, and improve their management, communication and leadership skills.

DATE Wednesday 14th August, 7pm – 9pm
EVENT NAME Launceston Toastmasters Club – A Pathway to Peace
LOCATION ‘Enterprize’, 24 Paterson St Launceston
CONTACT Yvonne Gluyas

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Cuppa with a Copper 
10:30 am10:30

Cuppa with a Copper 

  • Northern Suburbs Community Centre  (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

If you Love a free coffee (hot drink) and are looking to get in touch with your local police, this event is for you… 

Cuppa with a Copper at the Northern Suburbs Community Centre on Wednesday 14th August at 10:30am. The event has no agendas or speeches, just a chance to ask questions, voice concerns and get to know your local police. 

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Launceston City Mission Concert for kindness, compassion and inclusion
10:15 am10:15

Launceston City Mission Concert for kindness, compassion and inclusion

Launceston City Mission Concert for kindness, compassion and inclusion

This event is open to the general public. To participate, click on the link provided and register a ticket. 

Launceston City Mission's Choir of High Hopes is hosting a concert and morning tea to celebrate the importance of kindness compassion and inclusion within the community.

Hour long concert followed by morning tea.

Contact: Shaziye Parish


Milton Hall

14th August 10:15: AM - 12:00 PM

wheelchair access: No

Launceston City Mission


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Emily Sanzaro playing the harp - Contemplative Live Music in the Chapel  
11:30 am11:30

Emily Sanzaro playing the harp - Contemplative Live Music in the Chapel  

Contemplative Live Music in the Chapel  

Emily Sanzaro playing the harp

Contemplative music over lunchtime. Come and go as you please (Bring your lunch). Enjoy the beautiful space, nourish your heart, empower your integrity.


Live! Music at LGH: a project of the LGH Art and Historical Committee

Contact: Karlin Love

0434 810628

Free. Wheelchair accessible. All ages. 

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Launceston Circle Dancers
10:15 am10:15

Launceston Circle Dancers

  • St Catherine’s Hall Penquite Road Norwood (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Launceston Circle Dancers

We dance together in equality in a circle - dancing our meditations for peace.  Join us for a free-of-charge session at St Catherine’s Hall Penquite Road Norwood on Mondays 12th and 19th August at 10.15 for a 10.30 start. Refreshments and conversation follow. All welcome. No experience, partners or special clothing necessary. Inquiries to Julie 0402048147 or just come and try. 

We may also be found at the Peace Party on 16th and the Global Village on 17th

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Launceston Quaker Worship Meeting
10:00 am10:00

Launceston Quaker Worship Meeting

Launceston Quaker Worship Meeting

Quakers (one of the Historic Peace Churches) worship in stillness and silence at 10.00 am on 2nd and 4th Sundays of every month. On August 11th, we invite you to join in personal prayer/ meditation on the subject particularly of peace.  Quaker writings on peace will be available for reflection. Refreshments and conversation follow at about 12.00.  See or ring Rob on 0455992111

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Taking the Lead : A Pet Parade with Integrity.
2:00 pm14:00

Taking the Lead : A Pet Parade with Integrity.

  • Civic Square Launceston, TAS, 7250 Australia (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Taking the Lead : A Pet Parade with Integrity.

This is in an inclusive event that is free to participate and attend and is aimed towards people of all ages and all abilities.

Taking the Lead is a  public performance that requires you to get involved and bring your pet along. Imagine Civic square is your runway, you have two Mc’s discussing you and your pets fashion style, the Ferguson’s are playing  there is  a crowd and so much support.

This is a public performance with volunteer performers at the Civic Square precinct, and is guaranteed to be a fun and entertaining afternoon for all.

There are several ways to get involved:

If you love animals and love dressing up – then we want you on the runway. If you like to dress up , but do not have a pet – no problem, soft toys are welcome.

Everyone else – we want you in the audience.

To participate with your pet please contact to register your participation and find out about rehearsal times.

This is a free, inclusive all ages all pets event – *BUT please note you are responsible for your pets behaviour (and any business it may do) So, whilst all care is given by organisers – you are responsible for your pet.

The parade starts at 2pm on Saturday 10th of August.

You may wish to bring a camp chair.


Group /Organisation: Studio Space and St Giles 


 Gold coin Donation please


Wheelchair access: Yes

Event Contact:



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Ride for Peace
11:30 am11:30

Ride for Peace

  •  Start - Meet at the Peace Garden - Kings Park - 300m past Royal Park, Park Street   Launceston Australia (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Ride for Peace

 When: Saturday 10th August

 Time: 11.30am – 1.30pm

 Start - Meet at the Peace Garden - Kings Park - 300m past Royal Park, Park Street  

Finish - Civic Square, Cameron Street

 Route: Launceston cycle trails including Royal Park, Sea Port, Heritage Forest and North Esk River 

 Come and join Tamar Bike Users Group (TBUG) on a casual supported ride around Launceston’s cycle ways and trails. 

This is the perfect opportunity to blow the cobwebs off your bike, get active in Launceston’s great outdoors, take in some of Launceston’s best scenery and meet some friendly like minded people on bikes. We can guarantee you will not only feel peaceful after the Peace Ride but absolutely awesome.

 Contact: Malcolm Reid  0419 107892 email:

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Lynda Jessup playing piano - Contemplative Live Music in the Chapel  
11:30 am11:30

Lynda Jessup playing piano - Contemplative Live Music in the Chapel  

Contemplative Live Music in the Chapel  

Lynda Jessup playing piano

Contemplative music over lunchtime. Come and go as you please (Bring your lunch). Enjoy the beautiful space, nourish your heart, empower your integrity.


Live! Music at LGH: a project of the LGH Art and Historical Committee

Contact: Karlin Love

0434 810628

Free. Wheelchair accessible. All ages. 

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