Cuppa with a Copper
9:45 am09:45

Cuppa with a Copper

Access: Wheelchair accessible.

Sit down, relax and enjoy a hot drink and friendly chat with your local community police officers.

People and business owners wanting to build stronger connections to police and community are encouraged to share a cuppa and a chat in Launceston on Monday.

The Cuppa with a Copper event is being hosted as part of the Tamar Valley Peace Festival, which aims to generate goodwill and conversations about how we can actively strive for peace and harmony in our community.

"Sweetbrew owner Archana Brammall and her team have done wonderful work to enliven the area and we know how committed to the community our new Police Commander Kate Chambers is, so it will be a great conversation over a cuppa, which is where most good relationships start."- (Donna Bain- Peace Festival Chair).

Free event

Monday 2 October 2023

9:45am – 11:00am


95 George Street, Launceston

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Learning About Peace - The Children's Community Day
1:30 pm13:30

Learning About Peace - The Children's Community Day

  • Northern Suburbs Community Centre (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS
Bahai Community of Launceston, Children's games and crafts,Northern Suburbs Community Centre, Newnham, Georgetown Road, Tamar Valley Peace Festival, Tasmania, September 2023
Kids Children play, craft, reading, Baha'i Community of Launceston, Northern Suburbs Community Centre, Newnham, Tamar Valley Peace Festival, Launceston Tasmania, September 2023
Kids Children play, craft, reading, Baha'i Community of Launceston, Northern Suburbs Community Centre, Newnham, Tamar Valley Peace Festival, Launceston Tasmania, September 2023

Bring the kids along to a fun day of activities for children, promoting a peaceful and sharing society.

Activities and play include art, crafts, group games, dance, singing and story-telling.

This is a great weekend event for the whole family to enjoy.

Inspired by the Baha’i Writings.

To register, please contact

Daniel Price:

Access: Wheelchair accessible.

Bahai Community of Launceston,
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 Peace Doves- Colourful Chalk Walk
9:00 am09:00

Peace Doves- Colourful Chalk Walk

  • Launceston Big Picture School (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The students at Launceston Big Picture have reinvented the Peace Dove Project,

transforming it into their own, unique activity.

Enlarging the Peace Dove template, the students will create a

colourful chalk-walk artwork on the pathways of the Inveresk Precinct.

(Weather Permitting)



The work will be available for public view, after creation.

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Spanish Multicultural City Park Radio Program: SPECIAL PEACE - PAZ PROGRAM
8:00 pm20:00

Spanish Multicultural City Park Radio Program: SPECIAL PEACE - PAZ PROGRAM


Welcome to the Special Spanish Peace Radio program at City Park Radio with celebration of Latin American Independence and the highlights of Tamar Peace Festival 2023.

Enjoy the program in Spanish with Latin rhythms, songs about peace and also learn some of the most peaceful & friendly words in Spanish PEACE –PAZ and LOVE – AMOR.

Listen online : or

Radio FM: City Park Radio 103.7 FM and 96.5FM 

Your Local Community Radio Station in Launceston, conducted by Elena Chagoya

The Spanish Multicultural Radio Program: 2nd., 4rd & 5rd Monday – Lunes each month 

Multicultural Programs: listen in on

City Park Radio

Mondays 7-9 pm Tuesday- Thursday 7-8 pm Saturday 12-2 pm

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Sing for Peace - Singcognito Community Choir
2:00 pm14:00

Sing for Peace - Singcognito Community Choir

Singcognito, Sing for Peace, Pilgrim Uniting Church, Paterson Street, Launceston, Tamar Valley Peace Festival, September 2023

Access: Wheelchair access

Launceston’s community choirs have entertained the Tamar Valley Peace Festival patrons for many years. They are a musical stalwart of local community, regularly performing at local community events.

This year, we cordially invite you to enjoy a joyous afternoon of song at the Pilgrim Uniting Church.

This year’s program includes Singcognito Community Choir, Gospella Launceston’s Ladies Choir, OCD, and Pilgrim Singers .

Entry by gold coin donation

(donated to charity)

Sing for Peace - Bringing the community together to share the joy of singing 

For further information

Contact Elaine Yates on 0408993679

 or at

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TBUG: Gravelly Beach to Sidmouth - Friday Picnic Peace Ride.
9:45 am09:45

TBUG: Gravelly Beach to Sidmouth - Friday Picnic Peace Ride.

Join TBUG (Tamar Bicycle Users Group), for some fresh air and exhilaration along the scenic reaches of the Tamar Valley, for this year’s Peace Festival.

Friday Picnic Ride: Meeting at Rose Bay Park, Gravelly Beach, and travelling to Paper Beach, Sidmouth.

This is a 29k bike ride at an approximate speed of 15-20 kph. Picnic lunch to follow.

E-bikes welcome.

Insurance: All community members are welcome to attend the ride*.

*Uninsured riders must sign a participation form waiving all responsibility from TBUG and Bicycle Network.

A free, three-month membership trial for individuals or families can be obtained from

For further information, please contact

Marion Sargent, 0438 432 848


Access: Good bicycle access.

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Thought Leadership Event with guest speaker Rhoda Roberts, AO
5:15 pm17:15

Thought Leadership Event with guest speaker Rhoda Roberts, AO

The Thought Leadership Event will be held on Thursday 21 September 2023 with Ms Rhoda Roberts AO as the key note speaker. Ms Robert’s address will be followed by a lively panel discussion exploring the theme of the power and potential of festivals to be a driver of positive social change through awareness, education and change and the opportunity this creates to build more peaceful communities.

Imagine a time and place. A gathering. Quiet conversations. Joyful dancing. Wafting aromas of shared food. Connections. Learning and laughter. This is the power of festivals.

Join us for a presentation and lively conversation about the potential of festivals to draw communities together to celebrate and tackle the issues of our time. 

One of Australia’s pre-eminent festival directors, Rhoda Roberts AO, will share her story as a significant force on the Australian arts scene.

A member of the Bundjalung nation, Widjabul clan of Northern NSW and South East QLD, Rhoda heads the First Nations Programming for the Sydney Opera House, is Festival Director of the Boomerang Festival/Bluesfest and Creative Director of the Parrtjima Festival (NT).

Following Ms Robert’s address, she will be joined on stage by Rose Boccalatte (Equality Tasmania) and Natalie De Vito (creative producer/curator, arts and festivals consultant) for a panel discussion exploring the power and potential of festivals to drive positive social change through awareness, education and change.

Let’s see, if together, we can make peace mainstream.  Let’s see, if together, we can create goodwill, make connections and create a more peaceful community we can all share.

The Tamar Valley Peace Festival acknowledges the generous support of the City of Launceston and Theatre North.

This event is free, but if you are able, any donation to support the Tamar Valley Peace Festival would be appreciated (see next page) when you book your ticket. 

You need to have a ticket to attend this special event. There will be no ticket sales at the door.

Pre event cash bar will be open from 5:15pm. 

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Peace Through Piecing- The peaceful practise of piecing patchwork
10:00 am10:00

Peace Through Piecing- The peaceful practise of piecing patchwork

  • Punchbowl Christian Centre (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS
Quilting, Patchwork,  Launceston patchwork and quilters inc. Punchnbowl Christian Centre, Tamar Valley Peace Festival, Launceston, Tasmania September 2023

“A day without fabric is like a day without sunshine”

The Launceston Patchworkers & Quilters invite you to join them to learn the gentle art of patchwork.

During this class experienced quilters will demonstrate the basics of handsewn patchwork. A sewing machine is not required.

A small kit will be provided to get you started.

Registration allocations for this event is now exhausted

Access; Wheelchair accessible

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Launceston Chamber of Commerce Networking Event- Embracing Diversity: Creating Vibrancy.
5:00 pm17:00

Launceston Chamber of Commerce Networking Event- Embracing Diversity: Creating Vibrancy.

  • River's Edge Building, Inveresk Campus (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us for a special networking event for Chamber members held in conjunction with the Tamar Valley Peace Festival and hosted by Platinum Member, the University of Tasmania.

5.00 - 6.00 pm – Chamber Member networking from 5 – 6pm / Presentation 6 – 7pm

6.00- 7.00 pm – Presentation: Embracing Diversity: Creating Vibrancy, talk by 2023 Tasmanian Australian of the Year, John Kamara

As the cultural diversity of Tasmania increases there is a new vibrancy created in our cities and towns. The number of Tasmanians born overseas has increased by more than fifty percent in the last twenty years, stimulating exciting transformations.

Our taste and exposure to food is changing, entrepreneurs are starting new business ventures, and cultural experiences are shared at festivals and community events. However, with these new layers to our social fabric there are challenges faced by new arrivals and marginalised groups as they adjust to the Tasmanian way of life, find employment, housing, and social support.

Join Tasmanian Australian of the Year, John Kamara, as he takes us on a journey exploring the ways that people from diverse communities contribute to a better Tasmania, both culturally and economically. Hear how we can help them overcome systemic disadvantages.

Can’t make it to the venue? The you can still attend the talk online.  To attend online, register via  Zoom, and we’ll email you details on how to join.

This is event is open to Members of the Launceston Chamber of Commerce.

RSVPs essential - Please click here Chamber registration for your complimentary ticket. 

Accessibility: Wheelchair accessible

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TBUG: Gravelly Beach to Rowella, Wednesday Peace Ride.
9:45 am09:45

TBUG: Gravelly Beach to Rowella, Wednesday Peace Ride.

Join TBUG (Tamar Bicycle Users Group), for some fresh air and exhilaration along the scenic reaches of the Tamar Valley, for this year’s Peace Festival.

Wednesday Ride: Meeting at Rose Bay Park, Gravelly Beach, and travelling to Rowella.

This is a 40K bike ride at an approximate speed of 20 - 25 kph. E-bikes welcome.

Insurance: All community members are welcome to attend the ride*.

*Uninsured riders must sign a participation form waiving all responsibility from TBUG and Bicycle Network.

A free, three-month membership trial for individuals or families can be obtained from

For further information, please contact

Mick Statham, 0418 131 211 ,


Access: Good bicycle access.

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2:30 pm14:30


  • Queen Victoria Museum and Art Gallery (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Listen to the personal story of John Kamara. Originally from Sierra Leone, John started a new life in Tasmania in 2004. He now works to assist people from culturally diverse communities.


QVMAG Friends, Meeting Room

Queen Victoria Museum, Inveresk

2-8 Invermay Road

RSVP by COB 17 September 2023


Phone 0459 658 457

Access: Wheelchair accessible

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Amnesty Annual Schools Peace Walk for Justice
12:30 pm12:30

Amnesty Annual Schools Peace Walk for Justice

Launceston College and Amnesty International Australia present the Annual Amnesty Schools Peace walk for Justice at Royal Park, Launceston.

Student speakers will discuss their aspirations for a compassionate and equitable society. Conversation will include raising awareness for the need for a Federal Human Rights Act in Australia to promote peace.

Following on, participants will gather to walk for social justice.

The public are welcome to attend this event in support of the next generation of community peace advocates.

The “Peace Walk for Justice” will commence from the Royal Park Waterfront levy banks, proceeding along the Tamar River board walk, and finishing at Riverbend Park in Lindsay Street.

For further information please contact:

Gillian Pitt at

Phone: 0414 95 4891


Thomas Howell: 0431 777 494

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Peace in Schools Project with guest speaker John Kamara.
to 22 Sept

Peace in Schools Project with guest speaker John Kamara.

  • Google Calendar ICS

The Tamar Valley Peace Festival is pleased to present this year’s PISP guest speaker, John Kamara, Tasmania’s 2023 Australian of the Year. 


An integral component of the 2023 Tamar Valley Peace Festival, The Peace in Schools Program will run for four days from 19th – 22nd September.   

The PISP is an initiative involving local community leaders who will engage with school students in conversations and activities about the concepts of peace and how young people can make a difference. This year’s guest speaker for the Peace in Schools Program is John Kamara, Tasmania’s Australian of the Year.

The goal of the Peace in Schools Program is to inspire young people to find their way to strive for peace both individually and collectively in their homes, schools and communities.  This year the theme of the Peace Festival is Connecting and Sharing - pathways to peace; a theme selected to stimulate conversations, relationships and activities between diverse groups as a means of encouraging understanding and appreciation of ‘other’. 

John Kamara Humanitarian and co-founder, Culturally Diverse Alliance of Tasmania and African Communities Council of Tasmania.

John escaped war-torn Sierra Leone 19 years ago and started a new life in Tasmania in 2004. He now does all he can to assist migrants, refugees and people from culturally diverse communities.

His own experiences and work in child protection mean he understands the challenges new arrivals and marginalised groups face. Sitting on multiple boards and involved in many community groups, John highlights systemic disadvantages for migrants such as racism, labour exploitation and recognition of overseas qualifications.

John co-founded the Culturally Diverse Alliance of Tasmania to support education and promote social cohesion, as well as the first ever African Communities Council of Tasmania.

The Peace in Schools program is presented with the generous support of the Department for Education, Children and Young People.

Access: Individual participating schools to advise.

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Blossoming Bonds, Connecting Through Flowers  – a Pen Pal Project
10:00 am10:00

Blossoming Bonds, Connecting Through Flowers – a Pen Pal Project

While languages may differ, the idea and desire for peace transcend linguistic barriers enabling people from various backgrounds to connect in pursuit of a common goal.

The Pen Pal Project will pair individuals from with MRC’s Rhododendron Group  (mostly people from Bhutan and Nepal) and VELTIC’s volunteers and network of supporters, allowing them to learn about each other’s traditions, languages and customs….friendships starting with a common interest in flowers.

Morning tea and launch of VELTIC and MRC’s Pen Pal Project

For more information,

Please contact Debbie Brumby on 0408 448 617 

or at

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Connecting – Sharing; Pathways to Peace
7:45 am07:45

Connecting – Sharing; Pathways to Peace

Connecting – Sharing; Pathways to Peace.

Presented by Rostrum Club 14


The session will provide an opportunity for members to speak on the theme of peace.

Rostrum Club 14 welcomes new members, however due to space restrictions, this will be a closed event.

At rostrum clubs you will find a friendly, enjoyable way to improve your confidence, public speaking, online presence and leadership skills. You will gain practice managing nerves and learn how to refine your presentations. The confidence you gain will spill over into other areas of your life!

For more information, please contact

Jenny Fraser on


Access: Flat street access. Nearby parking.

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Reflection Garden of Peace, Northern Suburbs
11:00 am11:00

Reflection Garden of Peace, Northern Suburbs

  • Northern Suburbs Community Centre (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join the opening celebrations of the Northern Suburbs Reflection Garden of Peace.

In a true reflection of collaboration and sharing, this wonderful project has been provided by Northern Suburbs Community Centre, Rotary Club of Tamar Sunrise, Red Cross Connected Women’s group and the Bhutan and Nepalese Community.

The opening of the Reflection Garden of Peace. will combine the unveiling of the Peace Poles*, a project initiated by Rotary International and designed and installed by Rotary Club of Tamar Sunrise. Each Peace Pole is a permanent and ongoing installation as part of the Northern Suburbs Community Peace Garden.

Red Cross Connected Women’s group will unveil their “Harmony Hands” mosaic, while the local primary school students have been busy painting peace rocks, adding to the vibrancy of the garden.

Rounding out the day’s festivities, food, refreshments and entertainment is provided by the Bhutan and Nepalese community.

Free, community event.

For more information contact

Trish O’Duffy-

Ph: 6326 5506

Access: Wheelchair accessible

*What is a Peace Pole?

The Peace Pole program had its beginnings in 1955. Peace Poles are recognized as the most prominent international symbol and monument to peace. They remind us to think, speak and act in the spirit of peace and harmony and stand as a silent visual for peace to prevail on earth

Each Peace Pole bears the message May Peace Prevail on Earth in different languages on each of its four or six sides. There are estimated over 250,000 Peace Poles in every country in the world dedicated as monuments to peace

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Sing for Peace - Singcognito Community Choir
1:30 pm13:30

Sing for Peace - Singcognito Community Choir

Singcognito, Sing for Peace, Pilgrim Uniting Church, Paterson Street, Launceston, Tamar Valley Peace Festival, September 2023

Access: Wheelchair access

Launceston’s community choirs have entertained the Tamar Valley Peace Festival patrons for many years. They are a musical stalwart of local community, regularly performing at local community events.

This year, we cordially invite you to enjoy a joyous afternoon of song at World Street Eats in Civic Square, Launceston

This year’s program includes Singcognito Community Choir, Gospella Launceston’s Ladies Choir, OCD, and Pilgrim Singers .

Gold coin donation appreciated

(donated to charity)

Sing for Peace - Bringing the community together to share the joy of singing 

For further information

Contact Elaine Yates on 0408993679

 or at

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World Street Eats
11:00 am11:00

World Street Eats


Inspired by the multiculturalism in Launceston, World Street Eats aims to showcase quality cuisine and street food from around the globe.

Discover authentic flavours using the finest local ingredients – an international culinary experience supporting local producers, right here in Launceston.

Bringing our diverse community together around a common love for heart-warming food. Food that feeds not just the tummy, but also the soul. 

 For furthur information please contact

Amr Elsayed at

Visit us at

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Pathways to Peace @ Yoga Loft Launceston
10:30 am10:30

Pathways to Peace @ Yoga Loft Launceston

Come and explore gentle yoga, breath and mantra, yoga nidra meditation, flow yoga and sound bath, through a series of free classes to inspire peace within and without at Yoga Loft, Launceston.

Day Program:

10:30am-11:15am: Gentle yoga w Gill

11:30am-12:15pm: Pranayama and Mantra w Trish and Ruth

12:45pm-2:00pm: Vinyasa and Soundbath w Kally and David

2:30pm-3:15pm: Yoga Nidra w Kath

 Bookings recommended via Yoga Loft, Launceston on the Mindbody App.

43-45 Brisbane Street*, Launceston, TAS

Further information available at: or

email Trisha Dixon at

Access: Not Wheelchair accessible

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Grow, Gather, Cook, Eat - Food Together for Peace
10:00 am10:00

Grow, Gather, Cook, Eat - Food Together for Peace

  • Ravenswood Heights Primary School Community Garden (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us at the Ravenswood Heights Primary School community garden, learning how to grow your own garden.

Using locally grown ingredients, we will teach you how to prepare a simple and delicious meal.

We will cook together, sit and enjoy a yarn or two, while basking in the joy of growing your own food, and flavoursome food sharing.

For further details contact

Joanne Dean on 0447 089 455

or at


Access: Wheelchair accessible

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REMADE: Rainbow Healing Peace Circles- Parade for Peace
to 23 Sept

REMADE: Rainbow Healing Peace Circles- Parade for Peace

  • Tamar Peace Festival (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The colourful crew at Interweave are back: inventive, creative and as sustainable as ever with the REMADE Rainbow Healing Peace Circles: a Parade for Peace.

The Interweave artists will be making pop-up appearances during the Tamar Valley Peace Festival, with a fun, carnival style, art parade for the whole community.

Rainbow Healing Peace Circles showcases amazing wearable art that transforms recycled materials into creative, sustainable messages. The parade involves 13 artists and encourages community participation.

The Rainbow Healing Peace Circles were performed at the opening of the Disability National Olympics, presented in REMADE Combo 2022, and later performed and installed at the Rainbow Healing Garden exhibition at Sawtooth ARI. 

In June this year, Rainbow Healing Peace Circles were perfomed at the QAC My World:Voice and Visibility' event June. They are currently installed at QVMAG until August 13 as part of the ongoing QAC exhibition.

The Rainbow Healing Peace Circles have proven to be fun and inclusive, uniting participation from all of Launceston’s diverse community.

In true REMADE style, Interweave Arts will adapt and perform/ install them at the 2023 Peace Festival.

Dates, times and access of the performances TBC

Please check the website closer to the Peace Festival’s commencement for confirmation

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Northern Journeys Stories of Peace
to 1 Oct

Northern Journeys Stories of Peace

Northern Journeys invites community and fellow Tamar Peace Festival project participants to share your stories of peace on our Northern Journeys digital platform.

Northern Journeys is a new digital community project by RANT Arts, dedicated to bringing people together and celebrating the rich diversity of identities, cultures and experiences of the North.

We are interested in sharing personal narratives, non-fiction, opinion pieces, articles, interviews, short fiction, poetry, art, photos and other visual stories.

Northern Tasmania is home to amazingly creative and interesting people, so during September, take the opportunity to share your experiences in this creative platform to enrich the community.

Open to all ages and abilities. No experience required.

We look forward to hearing your peace stories and making

Northern Tasmania stronger together.

LIKE Northern Journey’s Facebook to read published stories

SHARE your story. Email

Please include a title, text (anything from a few words to 500 words),

images with captions, image credit and video (optional).


Go to our website to see Terms & Conditions

Northern Journeys is a project by

Access: Online event.

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Peaceful Pathways- A visual art journey in watercolour.  (Year 8, RHS)
to 31 Oct

Peaceful Pathways- A visual art journey in watercolour. (Year 8, RHS)

  • Trevallyn Gourmet Bakery (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Peaceful Pathways is a reflection of a personal journey, capturing a physical place from memory.

Using maps, year 8 Riverside High School students have created unique watercolour and pen artworks, based on that journey and verging on abstraction.

Peaceful Pathways can be viewed from the 1st September until 31st October at the Trevallyn Gourmet Bakery.

For more information visit :

or contact Caz Saunders on 0411314915

Department for Education, Children and Young People, Riverside High School, Launceston, West Tamar, Tamar Valley Peace Festival, Tasmania, September, 2023

Access: Wheelchair accessible

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