Toastmasters - Pathways to Peace
Improve your public speaking skills, gain confidence and have fun at Toastmasters! Visitors always warmly welcomed. Tonight we will be featuring the theme of ‘Peace’.
Improve your public speaking skills, gain confidence and have fun at Toastmasters! Visitors always warmly welcomed. Tonight we will be featuring the theme of ‘Peace’.
Start at Royal Park (waterfront) and walk to Riverbend Park.
Hear from local speakers with lived experience.
Listen online :
City Park Radio 103.7 FM and 96.5FM – Your Local Community Radio Station in Launceston conducted by Elena Chagoya
20:00 -21:00 pm AEST time
Bienvenido = Welcome to the Special Spanish Peace Radio program at City Park Radio with celebration of Latin American Independence’s and the highlights of Tamar Peace Festival 2022.
Enjoy the program in Spanish with Latin rhythms, songs about peace and also learn some of the most peaceful & friendly words in Spanish PEACE –PAZ and LOVE – AMOR. Listen online or radio F.M.
More event information MariaElena Chagoya
Enquires by text 0435 15 26 12 and
The Spanish Multicultural Radio Program is the 2nd., 4rd & 5rd Monday – Lunes each month
Multicultural Programs in City Pak Radio is
Mondays 7-9 pm Tuesday- Thursday 7-8 pm Saturday 12-2 pm
FB Page:
A concert featuring community choirs and other singing groups, bringing the community together to share the joy of singing
Free. Participants will join Karlin and Jon on a leisurely walk, with stops for musical items, up the paved pathway from Kings Bridge to the Gorge restaurant. Duration 45-50 minutes. Plus returning to the start if needed.
Free. Participants will join Karlin and Jon on a leisurely walk, with stops for musical items, up the paved pathway from Kings Bridge to the Gorge restaurant. Duration 45-50 minutes. Plus returning to the start if needed.
MRC’s Rhododendron Group
This is a weekly gathering of former refugees (mostly from Bhutan), engaging in activities for increased social connection and improved emotional wellbeing.
Public Contact: Naomi Leighton :6332 2211
Website/Facebook Pages
Join us for a lively and engaging conversation with Husna Pasha, Grace Williams, Chin Community Elder and Todd Babiak as they explore their refugee and migrant journeys and build connections in their new home.
A time of Prayer, Reflection and Singing to deepen our personal peace with God, and strengthen us to seek universal peace on earth. People are welcome to come and leave as desired.
Christian believe that peace on eart can only be acheived by first making peace with God. The event will be a tim eof prayer, reflection and sining. People are welcome to come and leave as derired.
Holly Trinity Anglican Church
34 Cameron St Launceston
There is wheelchair access
For more information for this event please contact: Diane Courtney 0408 622 182 or email
Welcoming Migrants & Building Social Connection Through Friendship
Discover & Smile at your 5 most friendly & harmonious colours to increase peace, joy & radiance.
Image by Colour guides you on how to select, wear and create colour combinations, to help you to feel happy and calm.
Increase your self-confidence and harmony, and at the same time recycle and save money. Smile to your colours to look and feel more joyful, peaceful, healthier and radiant at any age, gender and nationality!!!
RSVP by text
Please bring only if you can a scarf or accessory that you are not wearing anymore to donate, reuse or swap.
Event contact: Susan Kenyi +61 450 190 696
A digital and analogue photographic competition for young people up to age 18 Guided by Launceston photographer Scott Gelston and sponsored by St. Giles society.
Culminating in digital and analogue exhibition.
Contact for Event information: Scott Gelston
0409 022 103
Is the venue accessible? yes
This project is for young people of all abilities.