(POSTPONED) Accidental Celebrity: Lindy Chamberlain-Creighton in conversation with Dr Fiona Reynolds
5:30 pm17:30

(POSTPONED) Accidental Celebrity: Lindy Chamberlain-Creighton in conversation with Dr Fiona Reynolds

Accidental Celebrity: Lindy Chamberlain-Creighton in conversation with Dr Fiona Reynolds

Only the name needs be mentioned for Australians to know the tragic public story about how baby Azaria was taken by a dingo in 1980, the subsequent media frenzy, imprisonment and exoneration. It is one of, if not, the story of recovery and resilience in modern Australia.

The Tamar Valley Peace Festival’s 2021 theme is peace in recovery and is delighted to have Lindy speak at its 2021 event in conversation with journalist Dr Fiona Reynolds.

Dr Reynolds interviewed Lindy as part of her PhD thesis where she explored the behind-the-scenes story and impact of how a competitive media industry turned ordinary Australians into public figures.

The research led to a number one podcast Accidental Celebrity, featuring other survivors of trauma such as Stuart Diver, Todd Russell, James Scott, Bruce and Denise Morcombe and Rosie Batty.

Dr Reynolds, a journalist, editor and media executive with more than 30 years’ experience, will discuss her work then join Lindy in conversation.

Tamar Valley Writers Festival is a proud partner of this conversation.

Thursday 5 August 2021

Doors open at 5:30pm with light refreshments

Event starts promptly at 6:00pm

Cash bar at conclusion of event at about 7:30pm.

Click here for tickets.

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Launceston Toastmasters Club Peace Meeting
6:45 pm18:45

Launceston Toastmasters Club Peace Meeting

Tonight's meeting of Launceston Toastmasters Club will feature speeches and impromptu speaking about 'Peace'. People join Toastmasters to improve their public speaking and leadership skills, guests are always welcome, and this is a great opportunity to not only feature the theme of Peace, but to give YOU a chance to see what Toastmasters is all about!

To come along, email: contact-2115@toastmastersclubs.org

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Spanish City Park Radio Program
8:00 pm20:00

Spanish City Park Radio Program

Bienvenido = Welcome to the Special Spanish Peace Radio program at City Park Radio with all the highlights of Tamar Peace Festival 2021.

If you Love Spanish Music, rhythms & Latin style + also want to learn some of the most peaceful & friendly words in Spanish listen on-air or online. PAZ y AMOR

Listen online :
City Park Radio 103.7 FM and 96.5FM – Your Local Community Radio Station in Launceston conducted by Elena Chagoya
Enquires by text
0435 15 26 12
Face book Page: https://www.facebook.com/spanishmulticulturalprogramcityparkradio103.7fm

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Peace Dinner
6:30 pm18:30

Peace Dinner

*The event is not open to the public other than to Hazara men.

Join us for our weekly two course meal for the street community, a safe place.

So much of who City Baptist Church is, is not on display on Sunday mornings. We hope you quickly feel included and welcome in our midst!

We seek to be a welcoming presence and people to whom one can turn in tough times in the city centre.

Our desire is to follow Jesus in ministering to those on the margins of society. For well over a decade we have lived with the street community – providing a weekly meal, a listening ear and occasionally emergency accommodation or other help. We want to be a place of quiet and peace for those living rough.

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In It Together
3:00 pm15:00

In It Together

Register for this free event here

'In It Together' is a large-scale play-and-sing-along musical lament and resolution to act. It can include any voice or instrument.

About this event

'In It Together' is a participatory choral symphony that can include any voice or instrument (although if we get many Scottish bagpipes, they may need to be offstage!). It begins with a collective wordless, chant-like lament for whatever grief each of us is experiencing (perhaps related to environmental issues, loss of friends and family, pandemic separation from people and places we love, financial hardship, big unanswered questions, etc.). The lament is followed by a drone-based time of stillness. It finishes with an energetic cacophony to revive, repair, reconnect - resolve to act positively in hope and love. Demo recordings and music bits to practice are available here.

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Floor talk: stories for peace and reconciliation
10:30 am10:30

Floor talk: stories for peace and reconciliation

Are the new QVMAG Royal Park permanent galleries a space for peace and reconciliation? Join a floor talk to contribute to the conversation.

Join artist Mandy Quadrio and QVMAG Senior Curator Ashleigh Whatling in a floor talk that explores the new QVMAG Royal Park permanent galleries for the Tamar Peace Festival 2021.

Click here to register for the free event.

The new display wants to create a space for peace and reconciliation. It aims to change the colonial narrative that has dominated Tasmanian Galleries since the 19th century.

The reinterpretation of QVMAG’s collection now reflects our histories, identities and stories in a fresh and contemporary context. Focusing on local Aboriginal cultures, colonial history and modern diversity, this exhibition encourages us to contemplate the ever-changing cultural landscape and our sense of belonging within it.

Through Mandy Quadrio’s eyes we invite you to re-think our story and our sense of belonging to place.

In partnering the Tamar Valley Peace Festival 2021 we open an honest conversation with our community. Has our attempt at diversifying the gallery succeeded?

Is it truly contributing to reconciliation?

Join in an open conversation between curator, artist and community.


Mandy Quadrio is a proud palawa woman whose maternal, ancestral countries are Tebrakunna in the north-east, and the Oyster Bay Nation of eastern Tasmania. She is a Meanjin-based, practicing visual artist working across sculpture, installation, photography and mixed media.

Asserting the strength and resilience of her palawa ancestors, she acts to counter the pervasive inaccurate myth of palawa extinction.

Employing objects from her ‘cultural tool kit’ such as bull kelp, fibers and ochres, she combines cultural artefacts with found and Western manufactured objects such as steel wool and black velvet.

Through the re-ordering of these materials, Quadrio draws attention to historical, cultural and political events that have been ignored and buried by Australian colonial histories.

Currently a Doctoral candidate in Visual Arts at Queensland College of Arts, Griffith University, Quadrio is due to complete her Doctorate in 2021.

Ashleigh Whatling is QVMAG's Senior Curator of Visual Art and Design. She has delivered more than 30 exhibitions since arriving in Launceston, most recently the Summer Season and new Royal Park permanent display for QVMAG.

Ashleigh hails from Adelaide where she received her Double Masters of Art History and Museum and Curatorial Studies and formed the foundation of her professional practice working at Samstag Museum of Art for 5 years.

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After rain, comes a rainbow
5:00 pm17:00

After rain, comes a rainbow

We recognise the difficult times our community has had from a national (e.g. same-sex marriage plebiscite) to a personal level. We're coming together to celebrate the resilience and joy of our Queer community. Queer members and allies from our community are invited to join us for drinks, music, fun and plenty of rainbows!

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Place of Peace
6:30 pm18:30

Place of Peace

*The event is not open to the public other than to Hazara men.

Come to the City Baptist Church to learn English.

So much of who City Baptist Church is, is not on display on Sunday mornings. We hope you quickly feel included and welcome in our midst!

We seek to be a welcoming presence and people to whom one can turn in tough times in the city centre.

Our desire is to follow Jesus in ministering to those on the margins of society. For well over a decade we have lived with the street community – providing a weekly meal, a listening ear and occasionally emergency accommodation or other help. We want to be a place of quiet and peace for those living rough.

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Matthew Evans - agriCULTURED
12:00 pm12:00

Matthew Evans - agriCULTURED

  • Northern Suburbs Community Centre (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We are excited to welcome Matthew Evans from SBS, supporting the inaugural agriCULTURED event to provide a talk on Soil with practical hands on demonstration. This will foster support a harmonious, safe and welcoming community garden at NSCC for our participants.


This event is in partnership with MRC North.

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Launceston Inspiring Women in Business Networking Breakfast
7:30 am07:30

Launceston Inspiring Women in Business Networking Breakfast

Join us for the Inspiring Women in Business Networking Breakfast and celebration of the 2021 Tamar Valley Peace Festival. Hear from our two guest speakers about their experience with Resilience, Recovery and Restoration. We welcome all supporters of diversity and empowering women in the workplace no matter what your gender.

It is a great opportunity to meet and network with other peers and colleagues in a casual atmosphere whilst enjoying a delicious breakfast


Bethan Frake, Principal, BDF Law
Bethan Frake is the owner and principal solicitor at BDF Law, a boutique law firm. British born; Bethan migrated to Australia in 2001. After arriving in Australia Bethan settled permanently in Launceston Tasmania where she married a local and is raising two children: Dylan and Scarlett. Bethan opened her own law firm mid-2015. In addition to running her own legal business which currently employs 3 staff members, Bethan was a non-executive board director of the NGO Amnesty International Australia (AIA) from 2015-2019. Bethan is still heavily involved in AIA and she is a member of the Governance Committee which is a subcommittee of the board, which provide advice and guidance on legal and corporate governance matters to the board and members of AIA. Bethan is also a volunteer at the Launceston Community Legal Centre where she provides free legal advice for community members who require it.

Rosy Green, Educator
Rosy is teaches Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC) in Tasmania. Her background as a nurse, midwife, counsellor and university lecturer, includes extensive experience supporting people through tough times, including grief, loss, depression and cancer. As a mother of four, cancer survivor and 15 years as a mindfulness practitioner, she is passionate about sharing skills that enhance resilience, foster self-healing, increase well-being and build compassionate communities. See Mindfulness Programs Australasia.

Register for this event here

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Poetry for Peace
7:30 pm19:30

Poetry for Peace

Launceston poetry group - 'Tas Poets Performing' - will host a free Open Mic poetry reading event of 'Peace Poems'. Come along as an audience member, read your own poems, or present a couple from your favourite poet on the theme of 'Peace'. At 8.30pm, following 'Poems for Peace', will be the Launceston Heat of the Australian Poetry Slam.

No registration needed, everyone is welcome to attend this event!

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Rostrum Public Speaking Club
7:30 am07:30

Rostrum Public Speaking Club

Join our weekly meeting during which we practice public speaking and meeting procedure. The theme topic of the Tamar Peace Festival meeting will be 'Peace in Recovery'.
The meeting runs from 7:30 am until 8:30 am. After the meeting we have breakfast together, which we order from the cafe before the meeting.

Register here

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Reflections of Peace
to 6 Aug

Reflections of Peace

  • Tailrace Function Centre (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This exhibition will feature artworks from high school students ranging in ages from 12 -16 years old. Students have reflected on the notion of Peace and what it means to them. The work is mixed-media in a range of sizes.

This event is free to the public and will be on display at the Tailrace Function Centre for you to visit and admire.

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Tamar Valley Peace Festival Reiki Usui Attunement
6:30 pm18:30

Tamar Valley Peace Festival Reiki Usui Attunement

This meditation session, as part of the Tamar Peace Festival 2021 includes a beautiful heart preparation, Reiki Usui attunement and channelling. No experience required.

Register for the event here.

Once you have completed this registration form we will send you the link to  join the Zoom session. 

Thank you to arrive in the "Zoom room" 5 minutes ahead of time to "settle in".

What is an Attunement?

A process where the crown chakra is opened as a special gate for Divine energy to enter the body. The body then connects and tunes with the Divine energy. The heart chakra is opened so you are connected to your heart. The arm energy is opened connecting your sushumna (the “pipe” for the Divine energy) to your palm chakras, which opens your palm chakras so you can channel the Divine energy.

What are you receiving after an Reiki Usui Attunement?

The ability to channel Divine energy and a more open heart to enjoy the Divine energy on a daily basis.

Once "attuned" you will be able to channel Reiki Usui energy for yourself and others.
What a wonderful way to share the gift of healing energy to family and friends.

Please join to zoom 5 minutes before the start to settle in and relax.

To check your local time: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html

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Life has taught us...
1:30 pm13:30

Life has taught us...

Join us for a one-off afternoon pop-up exhibition of artworks that acknowledge patience, revival and strength associated with recovery from bullying and sexual assault. The exhibition will be accompanied by a performance that showcases the skill and endurance of pole dance. To heal is to replace trauma with kindness. Feel your power. Feel at peace.

Click here to register for this free event.

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Community Walk
11:00 am11:00

Community Walk

Come to NTDC's community walk to mingle with local community members and regional leaders.

NTDC's community walk will start at 11am and end by 1pm. In that time attendees will gather at Royal Park and walk to Riverbend Park while listening to our tour guide narrate the key sights along the way. Upon arrival at Riverbend Park, there will be a sausage sizzle and coffee van waiting.

Click here to register for this free event.

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Peace Service
10:00 am10:00

Peace Service

Join us for our Christian worship service.

So much of who City Baptist Church is, is not on display on Sunday mornings. We hope you quickly feel included and welcome in our midst!

We seek to be a welcoming presence and people to whom one can turn in tough times in the city centre.

Our desire is to follow Jesus in ministering to those on the margins of society. For well over a decade we have lived with the street community – providing a weekly meal, a listening ear and occasionally emergency accommodation or other help. We want to be a place of quiet and peace for those living rough.

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Masonic Care “Fred French”
to 8 Aug

Masonic Care “Fred French”

  • Exhibition Space at Launceston Library (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This work of art comprises of mainly string work and wood inserts which have been carefully placed to follow the contours of time. Keeping a soft colour palette of earthy tones throughout. This work promotes a therapeutic approach to life and gives a feeling of calmness.

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Expressions of PEACE by Artists at Interweave Arts
to 31 Aug

Expressions of PEACE by Artists at Interweave Arts

A dynamic colourful diverse & expressive exhibition of 2 D & digital artworks in response to PEACE by Artists at Interweave Arts inclusive Studio. Check out the art & have a cuppa in a friendly & supportive local cafe. Digital works will be projected each evening onto the York St window.

Image & Art by Sunny featuring Patche

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